
Inspired by her research into philosophical subjects Emily has developed a strong line of enquiry into exploring the human experience though combining mediums: jewellery, film-making and installations.
Using jewellery as a tool to discuss philosophical topics such as human experience is not a recent practice. Pre-Socratic philosophers would use jewellery as a paradigm to discuss the world being complex and detailed. The word for jewellery in Pre-Socratic time was ‘kosmos’ – the origin of the word ‘cosmos’ still in use today and an inspiration for Emily’s collection ‘KOSMOSIS’.
Combining jewellery and film-making, emily distils the phenomenon of time and memory.
Emily’s film-making has developed through collecting footage depicting imagery from her human experience. By layering and coalescing her range of imagery she attempts to tap into a cultural memory that viewers can identify with though an osmosis-like experience of sound and sights within her projection installation.